Sailing the Political Wind: A look at the 2012 Mayoral Manifestos

The day of the London Mayoral elections may seem a strange point to stop and look at the key candidate manifestos. Not only will many LR readers have likely voted already, but the elections been covered very effectively by the likes of the Guardian, Londonist and our other friends in the Capital’s active online sphere. Our interest in the Manifestos, however, is more in where they agree than where they disagree…

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Not Stopping Here: (Gimmie) Deep Level Shelter

Through the Blitz and beyond, the part the Underground played in World War Two was a complex one. Nowhere was this more true than the role it played in sheltering the civilian populace from aerial attack. The part platforms at places like Aldwych played, and the tragedy at Bethnal Green are now relatively well known. What is perhaps less well known, however, is the role played by the Deep Level Shelters – the remains of which can still be seen at street level.

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The London Terminals: Kings Cross

With the Overground, Crossrail and the London Underground upgrades having dominated the Capital’s transport scene, it’s easy to forget that the next few years will see major changes for its surface terminals as well. We start our look at London’s Terminals with Kings Cross, where a major redevelopment project that arguably started almost fifteen years ago is now close to completion. It is a project that will reach an important milestone on Monday 18th March, when the new Western Concourse will officially open to passengers for the first time.

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Intermission: The Angle and Wangle at Farringdon

Some readers have spotted that we have not reported on the developing situation at Farringdon for a while. It’s nice to know you noticed and care and we are sorry to have kept you waiting. The general approach we were/are taking with Thameslink is almost on the basis of an “annual review,” and Spring is always a good time to review new works (the “then” and “now” scenario provides a handy hook upon which an article can be based). We’ll be starting that review this year with London Bridge, but in the meantime here are a couple of teasers with regards to Farringdon.

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