Eight years later, this legacy gathers weeds As the Pyeongchang Olympics make way for the beginning of the Paralympics, scholars and critics are already starting to look at what legacy the event will leave. Legacy …
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Shift2Rail introduces digital brake testing on freight trains (RailFreight)
SNCF, Shift2Rail and Traxens revealed a digital brake testing system for freight trains at trade fair InnoTrans 2018 on Tuesday. It is the first step towards a fully digital freight train, the companies said. The …
Continue readingCan TIF support transport infrastructure investment? (IMFG)
This report reviews alternative sources of revenue to support new infrastructure and other development projects for which municipal funds are not readily available, reviewing two such instruments: Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and Land Value Capture …
Continue readingRail freight is more efficient and sustainable (RailPro)
Philippa Edmunds, Freight on Rail Manager explains how Government should align its rail freight policies with comparative industries. The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) report, issued on June 28, 2018 paints a damning picture of …
Continue readingItaly’s high-speed freight to boost trade (SmartRailWorld)
Italy this week launched a new high-speed freight service that the country’s government said brings cargo transportation into the next millennium. Billed by the state operator, Ferrovie dello Stato (FS Italiane Group), as the world’s …
Continue readingBART to study second Transbay rail crossing (TunnellingJ)
California’s Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) is aiming to start construction on a second tube under the San Francisco Bay within the next decade, as transit planners anticipate population and job growth that could overwhelm …
Continue readingCanada reverses trend & increases ridership (Reconnections)
With 2.11 billion passenger trips in 2017, Canadian transit systems bucked the North American trend of declining ridership and reported their first increase in national ridership since growth levelled off in 2014, the Canadian Urban …
Continue readingHow Dutch transit agencies deal with fare evaders (CityLab)
Dutch rail and bus systems in the Netherlands are experimenting with novel ways to turn transit freeloading ticket-dodgers into paying customers. How can a public transit system avoid the hassle of dealing with fare evasion? …
Continue readingOptimising European train path capacity (RailFreight)
Train path capacity on the core network corridors in Europe can be offered in a much more efficient and attractive manner. A single, digital system called the C-OSS* should facilitate this. However, there is only …
Continue readingPorterbrook Flex trains for new rail parcel service (RailEngineer)
Specialist train operator the Rail Operations Group (ROG) has announced it is acquiring two of Porterbrook’s innovative Flex trains for light logistics traffic. Capable of operating on both electrified and non-electrified routes, the new trains …
Continue readingWhat can UK learn from Seattle’s transport success? (UrbanTransportGroup)
Due to Seattle’s unique geography, nestled between the Puget Sound to the West, and Lake Washington and the Cascades to the East, the main flow of transport North to South is guided through what is …
Continue readingFaster rolling stock to shift UK logistics traffic onto rail (RailMag)
The return of high-speed logistics for the UK railway forms a key part of Rail Operations (UK) Limited’s ambitions. Speaking exclusively to RAIL, Chief Executive Officer Karl Watts said that a new company, Orion, had …
Continue readingLondon railway bridge gets its ‘digital twin’ (E&T)
A bridge in London is being mapped onto a ‘digital twin’ fed with real-time data from an array of sensors to help engineers monitor its condition and head off problems. The SmartBridge project is a …
Continue readingBRT to LRT conversion challenges (RaiseTheHammer)
Ottawa is in the middle of a conversion away from a very successful Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network known by its marketing name, The Transitway, towards a Light Rail Transit Network known as the O-Train. …
Continue readingBattery trolleybus evolution (NatlObserver)
Buses that charge their batteries off overhead trolley wires while moving, and operate like other battery electric buses off-wire, can cover the same distance in a day as a diesel bus. And the overhead wires …
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