Rush hour delays – The first-ever government study into rush hour train delays for services in the Greater Tokyo region has revealed issues that don’t match up with the image of Japanese punctuality. So what …
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Implementing cross-border transit (IntelligentTransport)
Dominik Elsmann, Head of Department for Cross-border Public Transport, Aachener Verkehrsverbund GmbH (AVV), details the challenges and necessities of implementing cross-border public transport in Aachen, a region which is bordered by three different countries… What …
Continue readingElectric scooters flooding California, & backlash (Quartz, Vice)
Electric scooters are flooding California, and they’ll be on your sidewalks soon (Quartz) Depending on who you ask, the electric, internet-connected scooters appearing all over California are either the future of transportation or a public …
Continue readingElectric buses hurting oil industry (Bloomberg)
Electric buses were seen as a joke at an industry conference in Belgium seven years ago when the Chinese manufacturer BYD Co. showed an early model. “Everyone was laughing at BYD for making a toy,” recalled …
Continue readingImperial College envisages solar powered rail (The Engineer)
Imperial College researchers and others are envisaging a future of trains powered by photovoltaic energy Running electric railways directly from sunlight may be a cost-effective way of expanding both photovoltaic energy generation and railway electrification …
Continue readingNew Hudson Tunnels canceled. Again. (Pedestrian Observations)
Amtrak’s Gateway project, spending $30 billion on new tunnels from New Jersey to Penn Station, just got its federal funding yanked. Previously the agreement was to split funding as 25% New York, 25% New Jersey, …
Continue readingDutch Gates of Light energy-free lighting (Curiosity)
The Netherlands is a place where climate change hits close to home. When you’re already below sea level, the prospect that the sea might start rising becomes disastrous. So when a historic causeway needed renovations …
Continue readingMadrid plans €5bn cross-city suburban line (MetroReport)
On April 5 Development Minister Íñigo de la Serna unveiled a 2018-25 investment plan for Madrid’s Cercanías suburban network, the result of a year-long study by the Ministry of Development, infrastructure authority ADIF and train …
Continue readingPrivacy concerns over Singapore’s Smart lampposts (E&T)
Singapore will start installing smart lampposts in the near future which boast an array of sensors and cameras that will allow authorities to recognise individual faces in a crowd. But the plan is raising privacy …
Continue readingNYC studying improving commuter rail (Crain’s)
City studying ways to get more New Yorkers on commuter rail lines The city’s Department of Transportation is studying ways to get more New Yorkers to use commuter rail lines and take pressure off of …
Continue readingDeutsche Bahn’s concept train (designboom)
Germany’s state-owned railway company, Deutsche Bahn, promises to transform public transportation (but more importantly the morning commute) with their 1:1 model of a future train concept ‘ideenzug’ (translation: idea train). The concept, which was presented …
Continue readingLondon’s Congestion Charge Needs Updating (CityLab)
After 15 years of existence, London’s method of congestion charging is dated. It needs to be bigger, longer, and greedier. By Reconnections’ Nicole Badstuber London’s congestion charge turned 15 in February and it is showing …
Continue readingCity University of London to explore knock-on train delays (RailwayTechnology)
The Rail Safety and Standars Board (RSSB) has awarded a 12-month research contract to City University of London and Risk Solutions, to investigate the causes of knock-on train delays. The contract, which includes a partnership …
Continue readingUS cities consider easing restrictive e-bike regulations (Washington Post)
A surge in the use of electric bicycles throughout the United States is prompting cities to revise regulations that restrict their use, including bans against riding them on sidewalks and trails. The nation’s capital and …
Continue readingBeyond Commuter Rail in SFO Bay area (StreetsBlog)
Clock-face schedules, frequent off-peak service, timed transfers are key to maximizing use of rail infrastructure “Would you put BART in the category of Berlin’s S-Bahn, or New York’s Long Island Railroad, or LA’s Metrolink, or …
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