COVID-19 has cast a long shadow on public transport, and rail in particular. The rapid embracing of digital meetings, principally due to the convenience and efficiency of working from home, has changed the frequency and …
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AI can save cost & distance traveled in any transport sector (GreenBiz)
AI has a finger on the pulse of the transport industry The transport sector is tapping into the potential of artificial intelligence to curtail emissions and boost efficiency. Lately, it seems everyone wants to “AI-ify” …
Continue readingAI and Transportation (EnoTrans)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an evolving and important tool, enabling technology to augment human tasks and perform tasks humans cannot or would not. In the field of transportation, automated vehicles (AVs) are perhaps the best-known …
Continue readingFriday Reads – 25 August 2023
• Network Rail faces prosecution over fatal 2020 crash near Stonehaven (Guardian) • Let’s ride the Edinburgh Trams Extension: Video (GeoffMarshall) • AI cameras catch 297 drivers in 3 days in Cornwall (BBC) • Proposal …
Continue readingData scientists give Northern fuel for thought on diesel fleet operation (RailTechnology)
Northern, has enlisted the support of data scientists to advise on the most fuel-efficient way to operate its fleet of 276 diesel trains. The project, which is funded by the Department for Transport, is being …
Continue readingAI startup to help lower climate change impact of train operators (KillerStartups)
The transportation sector is responsible for a staggering quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. While electric vehicles and sustainable aviation fuel have gained attention as solutions to reduce emissions from air and road travel, …
Continue readingThe digital twin tech turning the Piccadilly line underground green (ERPToday)
It might not be the longest or busiest line of the underground network, but the Piccadilly line has a fascinating history – it made London the first city in the world with an underground railway …
Continue readingWhat self-driving cars tell us about AI risks (IEEESpectrum)
Five conclusions from an automation expert fresh off a stint with the US highway safety agency IN 2016, JUST WEEKS before the Autopilot in his Tesla drove Joshua Brown to his death, I pleaded with the US Senate Committee …
Continue readingNYC MTA to deploy AI at subway stations to track fare evasion (BusinessInsider)
The next time you walk through the turnstile at a New York City subway station, AI might be watching you. The city’s subway system is now using AI surveillance technology to track fare evasion. The …
Continue readingMannheim tram weather station to measure grass median effects (Mainspring)
RNV, the tramway operator in the Mannheim and Ludwigshafen area of Germany, has equipped one of its Bombardier Variobahn to act as a rolling weather station, to support the cities’ programme for collecting weather and …
Continue readingBringing mobile phone coverage to the London Underground (TheEngineer)
A major new telecoms programme is currently being rolled out across London’s Tube, providing passengers with cellular coverage throughout the entire network for the first time. Andrew Wade reports. TFL’s Telecommunications Commercialisation Project (TCP) will …
Continue readingA balanced approach to AI adoption in the rail industry (RailwayNews)
This article will discuss how AI is transforming the rail industry, highlighting examples of AI use cases, benefits and potential challenges. Finally, I will provide actionable recommendations for businesses in all industries looking to implement …
Continue readingMonday’s Friday Reads – 12 June 2023
• Inside the project bringing mobile phone coverage to the Underground (TheEngineer) • TfL on track for operating surplus, board told (OnLondon) • Wren by river tour, 1 Sept only (VisitGreenwich) • What every British …
Continue readingTransport vs other catastrophic risks: the Farmer’s diagram (RiskEngineering)
Farmer’s diagram, or F-N curve – Represent society’s degree of catastrophe aversion. Overview An F-N diagram, also called a Farmer diagram after the name of the first author to have used this representation, is a graphical representation of …
Continue readingMonday’s Friday Reads – 15 May 2023
• Can nationalisation by stealth save Britain’s railways? (NewStatesman) • 10 year perspective on what has been achieved with London’s cycling (OnLondon) • Modern fare dodgers leave a trail of digital breadcrumbs says Digital Fraud …
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