As part of the rollout of President Biden’s fiscal 2025 budget request, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has updated the summary data for many of the projects in the Capital Investment Grant (CIG) program “pipeline,” …
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How AI & Sensors are Transforming Depot Operations (RailTechnology)
A groundbreaking British project is using artificial intelligence to give locomotives the once-over. The aptly named DepotMATE (Multi-sensor Automated Train Examination) project, which has been backed by the Department for Transport, is developing a system …
Continue readingQuantum train location testing on London Underground (Metro Report)
Researchers are using a London Underground train to test whether quantum inertial navigation systems could be used to provide accurate location information for condition-based monitoring, train control and signalling applications without needing satellites or lineside equipment. This …
Continue readingFriday Reads – 3 May 2024
• ‘Nervous of its own boldness’: the (almost) radical rebirth of King’s Cross lands (The Guardian) • This TfL AI experiment reveals how Tube station capacity could be increased – without building anything new (James …
Continue readingBringing school bus operations into the 21st century (FastCompany)
As transportation director at Kimberly School District in Kimberly, Idaho, Shonia Gaston knows a lot about work-arounds… “I started as a driver in 1984,” says Gaston. “We had hand-drawn maps.” In the past 40 years …
Continue readingWhere is everybody on the subway going? Modeling riders’ travel patterns at scale (MTA)
What subway station has the most passengers getting on the train? What subway line has the most riders? What subway station has the most passengers getting off the train? These should be easy questions for the MTA …
Continue readingMonday’s Friday Reads – 11 December 2023
• Brent Cross West station: The next stage in a long London journey (Dave Hill) • Passengers trapped on cold, dark trains as travel chaos hits west London (The Guardian) • South Western rail boss …
Continue readingHS2 digital concrete test to cut carbon (TunnellingJournal)
A successful trial of a ground-breaking digital measuring system for concrete has led to a roll-out across multiple sites on the UK’s HS2 project, cutting carbon and driving efficiencies on the construction project. VERIFI® is …
Continue readingIt’s crazy how much TfL can learn about us from our mobile data (JamesO’Malley)
Big Brother meets Big Data It’s a well known maxim in the tech industry that if you’re not paying for the product, then you are the product. We get to use incredible services like Gmail, Facebook and …
Continue readingBritain’s changing patterns of rail travel (RailTech)
When Great British Railways eventually succeeds Network Rail as the infrastructure and management agency for the UK network, it will inherit a much-changed railway. In terms of passenger usage, and the reasons customers give for …
Continue readingThe State of Rail: Breaking Down The Numbers
With discussion of ticket office closures and rail passenger numbers a political hot potato, it’s easy to forget that firm data on the state of rail in Great Britain does exist. We take a look at the ORR’s latest figures (April – June 2023) and TfL’s recent Crossrail Usage report.
Continue readingHow sandwich sales added insights about current transport & travel trends (TapasNetwork)
SINCE THE PANDEMIC, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has been publishing a number of real time activity indicators on an experimental basis. The aim is to provide decision-makers with a better insight as to …
Continue readingHow much TfL can learn about us from mobile data (JamesO’Malley)
It’s a well known maxim in the tech industry that if you’re not paying for the product, then you are the product. We get to use incredible services like Gmail, Facebook and Twitter1 for free – and in …
Continue readingUK researchers start using AI in air traffic control model (FT)
Project Bluebird is looking at how artificial intelligence could reduce the environmental impact of aviation. UK researchers have produced a computer model of air traffic control in which all flight movements are directed by artificial …
Continue readingIlluminating cities with safety, pedestrian, & traffic data (TheStar)
By adding smart sensors to street lights, Halifax [Canada] company Liveable Cities provides municipalities with information to help tackle everything from congestion and noise levels to air quality and pedestrian safety. Cities can be like …
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