BYD BD11 All Electric Double Decker Bus

Friday Reads – 21 March 2025

London’s black cabs destined for extinction in 20 years, TfL warned (Guardian)

London’s Most Controversial Bus, the BYD BD11 Reviewed: Video (Network Nathan)

Britain’s Bike-Friendliest ‘New Town’ Is a Model for Car-Free Living (CityLab)

The 1991 Island Line runaway train (LondonRail)

Athens metro project tunnel mistakenly excavated 160m in the wrong direction (eKathimerini)

Rio de Janeiro revives proposed metro line (Int’l Rail Journal)

Boeing’s Worst 7 Years, & the Man Fighting For Answers (Wired)


  1. I was half-expecting the article about Britain’s bike-friendliest new town to be about Stevenage

  2. Herned – me too!
    However .. Waterbeach was one of the places where you had to be careful about driving past if the RAF were flying – I went past it many times in the 1950’s “commuting” with my parents to my grandmother’s house in Lincolnshire & the RAF Vampires didn’t clear the road by much at all ….

  3. BYD BD11
    The YouTube puindit raised a sore point, during his critique of the display …
    Not only is it small, it doesn’t have a destination display at the back – but – once upon a time, not so long ago, TfL displays showed intermediate stopping points.
    Why were these abandoned, because they were so useful?

    A negative not mentioned – the BYD BD11 is Chinese manufactured.
    Um, err…

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