Very light rail & pop-up metro partnership (MetroReport)

US-based international railway investor Railroad Development Corp and British lightweight rolling stock developer TDI Greenway are to join forces in the emerging very light rail and ‘pop-up metro’ sectors. A joint venture announced on February 25 will result in RDC taking a 50% stake in TDI Greenway. RDC’s Pop-Up Metro business will be combined with TDI Greenway, although they will retain separate branding.

Vivarail Class 230 battery multiple-unit for USA (2)

Pop-Up Metro told Metro Report International that it still aims to develop low cost passenger services in North America using former London Underground District Line trains operating on existing freight tracks. It will also now work with TDI on light rail and very light rail systems suitable for rapid deployment.

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One comment

  1. From the title I thought that Railroad Dev Corp was going to pick up the Coventry ULT technology and try and sell that into the US, rather than attempting to rewarm the remnants of their investment into Vivarail tech plus the Eversholt VLR

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