Wires Becoming Charging Infrastructure For In Motion Charging Trolleybuses (UITP)

State-of-the-art in motion charging (IMC) trolleybuses are embracing a new technology for a new era of flexible yet high-capacity public transport. These electric buses charge dynamically while operating via an overhead contact network and can run on batteries for up to half of their route. Thanks to this, IMC trolleybuses have minimal battery size and weight, while their daily range is practically unlimited.

This Knowledge Brief aims to show cities how their existing trolleybus technology, with all its strengths
and limitations, can be advanced with emerging IMC technology and a novel approach to holistic electric infrastructure development, while simultaneously ensuring the application of efficient, functional, trouble-free solutions proven in large-scale, real-life operational contexts. Furthermore, reaching zero-emissions goals can happen much faster in cities deploying IMC technology, since IMC buses scale very well.

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