INNOTRANS: Launch customer HEAG Mobilo of Darmstadt has unveiled the first TINA tram, which Stadler has designed from scratch as its next generation of light rail vehicle. Speaking at the unveiling at InnoTrans, head of HEAG Mobilo Ann-Kristina Natus said buying a new tram is not something that the operator does every day, with the last time being in 15 years ago, but new trams were needed to modernise and expand the fleet.
She said the design of the ‘most modern and innovative tram in Germany’ aims to take into account not just passengers, but also drivers and maintenance staff. Working groups were formed and a mock-up used to obtain feedback from staff, and ‘we can proudly say this new working place was developed by drivers for drivers’.
TINA was originally a working name for the Total Integrierter Niederflur-Antrieb (total integrated low-floor drive) tram, but has since been adopted as the official name.

It is designed for gauges from 1 000 to 1 524 mm and a maximum speed of 80 km/h. It features a new design of bogie to optimise the use of space and improve maintainability, which was tested on a Tango tram in Kraków.
The low-floor vehicle is designed to provide unrestricted access to all seats from every door. The large windows aim to give passengers clear views and, together with the high ceilings, a feeling of spaciousness:

Lightweight aircraft materials supplier Elbe Flugzeugwerke produced the floor panels.
The air-conditioning uses CO2 as the refrigerant to offer better environmental performance than conventional refrigerants. TINA features an integrated collision warning system and a fully digital interactive driver’s desk.