Monday’s Friday Reads – 23 December 2019

The new sounds of London’s electric buses (TheVerge)

London Plan 1946 Railways for peace Report (ALondonInheritance)

A Prime Meridian station (BeautyOfTransport)

Kids who cycle or walk to school learn better (IrishTimes)

Central Madrid reduces pollution by 20% in one year (ElPais)

LA freeways as a subway map (SCPR)

Siberia’s train-less Metro station (AtlasObscura)

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  1. There is a long established sound linked with electrical vehicles of the past.
    All electric vehicles should emit a loud whine, pitch increasing with speed, together with the sound of empty glass bottles rattling in steel wire crates.

  2. In 51 years the only time I didn’t hear a car coming was a few years ago in a side road near Bayswater,the car was an electric BMW i3,I crossed the road looking left and when I looked right the ev had just stopped a couple of feet from me silently,I’m glad the driver saw me.

  3. Actually, all one needs is the same noises that modern electric trains make when moving off – a wonderful collection of electronic “tunes” from the power-systems …. maybe. Or a recording of trolleybus poles+wiring interaction, as a blast from the past?

    Walking or cycling to school will also “set you up for life” in basic fitness.
    So much so (from personal experience) that at age 17, I was actually fitter & with longer endurance than all the sports-mad footie (etc) players.
    Other readers might disagree about the supposed intelligence/awareness benefits, of course (!)

  4. I’ve always been slightly regretful that my hybrid car doesn’t make the Desiro UFO noise when moving at low speed on electric.

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