• Did Lime switch to bike tyres ‘less suitable for London’s roads’? (London Centric)
• We Had A Bike Stolen And This Is What Happened Next: Video (GCN)
• The Passing of Donald Shoup, The High Price of Free Parking author (Streetsblog)
• The End Of Train Order Signals: Video (Distant Signal)
• How Disney Became One of the Largest Transit Agencies in the US (The Transit Guy)
• The History of Budd’s Stainless Steel Streamliners (Trains)
• Trieste’s partly funicular tramway reopens (Metro Report)
• Sorry, wrong number (Roads.org.uk)
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I shall have to take the Trieste tram article as a standard for posts of mine in future. Barely any typing. Bland, devoid of interesting detail and inaccuracy a must.
That “Lime” bikes article is deeply troubling …
Commenting further with ongoing legal action is going to be .. sensitive … but:
They weigh HOW MUCH? My big “Volt” bike comes in at 21.5 kg
And, their stated “T&C’s” for injury/damages are plainly US-centric & wholly inappropriate for the UK or any European country.
Can’t see a link for suggested entries for the next posting of Reads!
I think part of the reason for making Lime bikes so heavy is to deter them from being stolen (or thrown in the river/canal like the kids enjoyed doing up in Manchester)
It’s an absolute nuisance when they’re blocking the pavement outside your house, which happens to me from time to time, just picking up the darn things to move them out of the way is difficult.
And for the uninitiated, London’s Lime bikes look absolutely nothing like the dainty ones in the photo above.
“Lime” & other bikes removed by The City ..