Monday’s Friday Reads – 26 August 2024

UK 20mph Zones & LTNs: Transport Minister Open to More Limits (CityLab)

Discovery of Victorian network under city’s streets set new challenge for London Museum (The Guardian)

Inside & Underneath the Class 700: Video (National Railway Museum)

Tram Liège reaches the city centre for the first time (Urban Transport)

India built 700 km of new metro lines in 10 years (Economic Times Infra)

Singapore’s New Metro Line is Complicated Construction: Video (B1M)

The Subway Token: On fare evasion & token sucking (Curiosity Cabinet)

Trying the famous Train Street in Vietnam: Video (DownieLive)


  1. Interesting piece about The Museum of London.

    It looks as if the Guardian will have to issue a correction to its correction:
    ” This article was amended on 19 August 2024 [….] part of the museum will be situated underground at the same level as passing Thameslink trains, not Crosslink trains as stated in an earlier version.”

  2. There are definitely some places in the UK where the absence of a 20mph zone is notable (and needed). Quite a few roads on the Isle of Wight, for example, would be sensible candidates for 20mph (and the islands should have fewer roads which are subject to default national speed limit).

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