How to make stations lively hubs for citizens & public transport users (UITP)

The role of stations in our cities is evolving, and it is important to ensure that they are designed and developed to meet the changing needs of society. With this in mind, UITP in 2022 partnered with KONE, a global leader in the elevator and escalator industry, to launch the ‘Stations of the Future’ project.

By sharing knowledge and insights, the project aims to understand what – from a station user’s perspective – is needed, and how to attract more users to stations and to public transport. The project focuses on analysing what can be improved at various touchpoints within the user journey throughout the station. In addition, it seeks to draw attention to the importance of stations in the public transport ecosystem, and to inspire operators and industry with ideas for solutions.

Building on the first report (Trends), which highlighted societal, economic and technological observations and trends that may impact the role and functions of stations, this report offers potential solutions for stations to meet the growing needs of its users. It examines stations from two perspectives; that of the user and that of the sector.

In this report, the solutions – both for already-existing stations and for new projects – have been collected from the workshops, as detailed in the methodology below. The report has also collected best practices and use-cases from around the world, demonstrating the most effective approaches to station development and enhancement.

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