Friday Reads – 13 September 2024

TfL cyber-attack: teenager from Walsall arrested in connection with data breach (The Guardian)

London Gains Momentum in Electrifying Its 9,000-Strong Bus Fleet (Hyperdrive)

Tender process for London’s new trams: 4 suppliers are pre-qualified (Urban Transport)

Mayors’ Birmingham – Manchester rail link promises 85% of HS2 benefits (RailwayGazette)

GWR trains diverting to Euston in rare route change during HS2 station build (IanVisits)

These closures need closure (BusAndTrainUser)

New App Aims to Make Tokyo Train Travel Easier (Unseen Japan)

World’s Most Desperately Needed Airplane Is Back in Production (Bloomberg)


  1. Re. Paddington closure, is there a possible diversion route into Marylebone, as being closer to the usual terminus?

  2. Garry Brown: Sorry, but there’s no useable connection (see London Railway Atlas page 25), Marylebone famously has no power connections and Marylebone’s platforms are only 128-242m compared to Paddington’s 278m-ish mainline platforms.

    It might be a short walk, but not in railway terms.

  3. “London’s New Trams”
    The real problem dates back to Boris’ cancellation of an expanded Tram system in London
    Now, Manchester & Birmingham are showing the way to go.

  4. There is no easy link into Marylebone and, in any case Marylebone is far too small to accommodate both the length and volume of GWR services

  5. Sorry that I haven’t read all the linked articles, but which one is talking about Paddington closures?

    What is the closures related to?

    If Crossrail will operate normally then I assume that the services will just have to terminate early at various places along the GWR main line?

    Technically it would be possible to divert GWR trains onto the Overground, on the Stratford-Richmond route, but I don’t know if the tracks that link those two are electrified or not. (They are afaik used for freight). There are no links to the Chiltern route to Marylebone though.

    Technically it would also be possible to divert the GWR trains to Waterloo or Clapham Junction via that overground route.

    Judging by the track map it might be possible to divert to Euston.

    The Dudding Hill line would allow diversion to St Pancras or up to the route via Hendon out of London.

    For Marylebone trains would have to reverse in the Neasden-Wembley area.

    I assume that most of these connections aren’t electrified. The route to Waterloo for sure has the wrong electrification (third rail rather than overhead wire).

    Don’t know what percentage of all Paddington trains are electrified today.

  6. Trains were diverted to Marylebone in 1967 when there was a major track renewal project at Paddington. However, since then Marylebone has become a lot busier and trains from the west country have become longer.
    Maybe if there was capacity, which there probably isn’t and signal etc compatability, Worcester trains could reverse at Oxford and take the Chiltern route via the Bicester avoiding line.

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