Cyclists get safer tram tracks in Ghent (CitiesToday)

The Belgian city of Ghent is trialling a new safety initiative which will see some of its tram tracks filled with an elastic compound in a bid to stop bikes getting stuck. The city has partnered with the regional Flemish public transit operator De Lijn on the project after initial experiments were conducted at Ghent’s tram depot.

“I was able to test the half-filled tram tracks myself at the depot – it really does make a difference,” said Filip Watteeuw, Ghent’s Alderman for Mobility. “It’s good that De Lijn can now test this ‘on the ground’. We must do everything we can to make it safe for cyclists near tram tracks.“

How it works

The filling – a two-component elastic compound known for its strong adhesion and resistance to UV rays – is placed at a height so that it does not touch the tram wheels.

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