Two storey home office in the woods is on tracks to detach from main house for privacy Treehugger

Friday Reads – 28 July 2023

£14m in fines levied on TfL & TOL for Croydon Tram crash (RailwayTechnology)

UK announces £680m for Turkish high speed electric railway, but no UK benefit (LondonEconomic)

Northern expanding using classical music to curb anti-social behaviours at stations (RailTechnology)

3 extensions in 4 years: The Paris M14 Métro line (RailTech)

Centerline, the surprisingly long history of lane markings: Video (HistoryGuy)

Finer points of public transport map design (IlyaBirman)

Home office rolls into the forest on tracks (Treehugger)

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  1. Not sure what the fuss is over the export guarantees to Turkey. These deals happen all the time, the article is shameless hyperbole. It involves handing over £0 and is presumably an attempt to keep Erdoğan onside

  2. Paris, Ligne M14
    Meanwhile, we are waiting for Corssrail 2 & all London railways to be electrified …..
    The contrast is stark

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