Tokyu Railways go full steam ahead on sustainability (RailwayTechnology)

As much of Japan lags behind in its transition to green energy, the Tokyo-based operator continues its efforts to decarbonise. In 2019, Tokyu Railways became the first Japanese rail business to join RE100, a global green energy initiative that brings together hundreds of businesses committed to powering 100% of their operations using renewable sources. 

Photo of A train on the Tokyu line in Tokyo, Japan

Less than three years on, it has achieved its goal. In April, Tokyu began powering all seven of its train lines and its one tram line using solar, geothermal, and hydropower energy. Clean energy is also being used at all stations to power vending machines, security cameras, and lighting.  

The source of Tokyu’s energy has been guaranteed through the purchase of non-fossil fuel certificates issued by local governments Through the Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) scheme, launched in 2018 and approved by RE100, businesses can purchase one of three certificates: non-fossil, green energy, and renewables.  

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