Monday’s Friday Reads – 1 August 2022

How to prevent more European transport heatwave meltdowns (Wired)

Bollardology: History & taxonomy of London street bollards: Book review (LondonHistorians)

Lightning takes out catenary & disrupts Ottawa LRT line (Trains)

Delta piloting personalized flight information boards, called parallel reality (Quartz)

Terrible US National Park visitor reviews, as travel posters (AmusingPlanet)

Vintage arcade video games return to BART Powell Station for promo (MassTransit)

The benefits of biofuels are a dangerous illusion (CleanTechnica)

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  1. The personalised information board being tested by Delta is very clever, but raises privacy questions for me. Can someone standing close to you see “your” fight details? All sorts of scenarios where people don’t want that. From stalking to industrial espionage (knowing where a CEO is heading can be commercially sensitive in some situations)

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