Metro/railway tunnel ventilation energy savings (RailwayPro)

Within the energy needs, a distinction must be made between the traction area, which in a simplified way brings together the energy necessary to move the trains, and the station area, which includes the installations necessary for the operation and safety of the stations.

If we go deeper into the characterisation of the station area, we will see that its consumption is clearly marked by ventilation (34% of consumption), lighting (33%) and stairs (12%):

Distribution of energy consumption in stations. TMB

It is clear therefore that the energy impact on the intervention of these 3 issues will be very important in cutting energy costs.

At present, the implementation of LED technology already leads to great savings in terms of lighting, as well as sensorisation measures for the activation of escalators, so that they only start up when they detect the proximity of the user.

But what about the ventilation?

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