LA Metrolink commuter rail powered by renewable fuel (MassTransit)

Metrolink has switched to renewable fuel, making it the first agency in the nation to completely power all its locomotives with the cleaner burning alternative. The renewable fuel is made of recycled natural fats and vegetable oils and serves as a bridge for Metrolink’s transition to zero-emission technologies. 

“It’s a proud achievement to be the first rail agency in the nation to use renewable fuel to move people around southern California,” said Metrolink Board Chair Ara Najarian. “We are committed to continue working toward better air quality in our region and lessening our effect on climate change for the planet.” 

To meet its aggressive climate targets, Metrolink launched a pilot program of renewable fuel in its locomotives in early 2021. The renewable product is made of recycled natural fats and vegetable oils. It contains no petroleum fossil fuels and thus burns cleaner, reducing harmful pollutants and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions of carbon dioxide by up to 80 percent. 

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