How the Berlin Mobility Act will transform the city (Autonomy)

In 2018, the Berlin Mobility Act, a groundbreaking piece of legislation was passed.  It provides the basis for a realignment of the city and mobility strategy by prioritizing environmentally-friendly modes of mobility over motorized individual transport. This policy, which is a bold rejection of the car-centric city, is the first of its kind in Germany. 

“This law creates the legal framework for an individual lifestyle that is equal in all parts of Berlin and geared to the mobility needs of the city and surrounding area, regardless of age, gender, income, and personal mobility impairments as well as life situation, ethnic origin or individual availability of transport. The mobility regulated by this law includes the special requirements of all mobility groups, those of pedestrians and cyclists, public transport, commercial transport, and individual motorized transport. It thereby ensures the priority of ecomobility –  i.e. pedestrian traffic, bicycles, and public transport.” (Excerpt from the preamble of the Berlin Mobility Act).

The Mobility Act is the foundation for Berlin’s overarching urban planning strategy. This has been reflected in several of recently passed laws: 

  • The pedestrian law in January 2021,
  •  the urban development plan for mobility and traffic was passed in March 2021 and 
  • the cycling law in September 2021.

These pieces of legislation will be key in realizing a number of ambitious eco-mobility goals. In 2030, 82 percent of all trips (currently 74 percent) are to be completed by bicycle (23 percent of currently 18 percent), by foot (30/30), and by public transport (29/27), at the expense of motorized private transport (18 /26).

Modal split in Berlin, 2013-2030 (Senate for the Environment, Mobility, Consumer and Climate Protection, 2021)

The Pedestrian Law 

Among other things, the pedestrian law extends the amount of time the green light is lit on pedestrian traffic lights; provides safer routes to school for children, and enacts tougher action against illegal parking and dangerous driving. Each of the twelve Berlin districts must now develop corresponding pilot projects within three years. This will drastically reduce the number of people injured or killed in road traffic, 38 percent of whom are pedestrians.

The Cycling Act

The Cycling Act has been developed to encourage a significant increase in cyclists. Cycle paths are to be greatly expanded to create a cycle network with a total length of almost 2,400 kilometers. 865 kilometers will be part of a priority network containing the most important connections for cyclists with a standard width of 2.50 meters. In addition, a further 550 kilometers of main roads are to be built that are not part of the actual cycling network but are provided for by the Mobility Act. In these cases, the paths should generally be 2.30 meters wide. Together with around 100 kilometers of high-speed cycle connections, the entire network plan will be around 3,000 kilometers long.

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