Friday Reads – 29 July 2022

Piccadilly Night Tube restarting today: 1st full Night Network since start of pandemic (RailUK)

Plans to open a disused railway bridge over the Thames to pedestrians (IanVisits)

A better job of categorising urban transport systems: video (GarethDennis)

Who rules public transit? Riders are generally not deciders (TransitCenter)

How Washington should spend $10B instead of on Union Station (PedestrianObvs)

LA to try to prevent gentrification near future rail lines by land banking (MassTransit)

Public bathrooms: undervalued but necessary infrastructure for public transport & walking (Streetsblog)

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  1. The PedestrianObvs hyperlink isn’t right, it redirects back to this page.

  2. Boston Transit’s lack of toilets is pertinent to Xrail. The MBTA acknowledged the problems and is moving forward with a $100,000 pilot project to install urine detection sensors in four of its station elevators. An MBTA spokesperson told StreetsblogMASS that the sensors will “dispatch a cleaning crew when the sensors generate a true-positive reading… for now, this is just a hardware pilot.”
    TfL probably has CCTV in it’s lifts so is more likely to dispatch a revenue officer with a fixed penalty notice whilst holding the door opening.

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