TO Union Dig Down Diagram NORR Ltd Archs & Engs

Friday Reads – 18 February 2022

DLR extension to Thamesmead raised in Parliament (IanVisits)

The short, little known history of City, Greenwich, & Lewisham Railway (HydeParkNow)

Why Aston Martin’s ex-CEO is betting his career on electric buses (CityMonitor)

Prague public transport’s free bikeshare program to become permanent (Expats)

How to dig another level under Union Station & its 16 tracks (RenewCanada)

Employees can cash out of some employers’ free parking (CityLab)

LA peoplemover may connect SoFi stadium to Metro Rail for 2028 Olympics (Urbanize)

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  1. Re CGL and the mysterious Trushelfco:
    “A shelf company, also known as a shelf corporation, ready-made company, blank check company, or aged company (in all these cases you can use ‘company’ or ‘corporation’), is a legally-registered company that has no activity.

    A shelf company can be purchased by people who want to set up a business quickly without having to go through all the paperwork.”

  2. TfL acquired CARE and WARE when it was flush with cash about 8 years ago. CGL was one PFI which wasn’t worth buying out.

  3. The rebuild at Union Station is impressive, but they still have to deal with the track layout and the terrifyingly narrow platforms!

  4. @James Webber
    Design and planning is underway to reduce the number of tracks to build wider platforms. Although I can’t quite picture the station having fewer tracks at rush hours. Perhaps reduced dwell time is being planned as well.

    I’d taken a tour 15 years ago of the former Post Office and railways parcels areas under Union. It was fascinating, the old baggage handling carts were still there in the otherwise abandoned spaces. The redesign makes great use of the high ceilings. With 6-8 tph on the busiest Lakeshore lines, other lines increasing frequency, and the coming electrification, it’s a much needed capacity boost. Shoulder stations are also being planned to better serve the expanding downtown.

  5. I think reduced dwell times will be achieved by pairing up the GO lines so that most trains run through Union rather than terminating there. The underground sections of the Thameslink line can notionally carry 24 trains an hour in each direction, which is probably more than all the GO lines put together, so it shouldn’t be difficult to figure it out.

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