Athens installs parking sensors on crosswalks (UrbanMobilityObs)

In January 2022, the municipality of Athens has seen the start of two large actions to make the sidewalks in Athens more friendly and safe for pedestrians. The municipality of Athens has installed 830 smart sensors in pedestrian ramps and crossings in order to put an end to illegal and anti-social parking, and improve conditions for walking, especially for people with mobility impairments.

The sensors were placed this month throughout the city centre from Alexandras Avenue, Kolonaki and Omonia to Syntagma, Koukaki and Pagrati. The sensors are able to detect vehicles parked illegally on them. Whenever a vehicle is parked on a pedestrian ramp or crossing equipped with a sensor, the sensor automatically alerts a control centre and sends a message to a mobile device of municipal police officers, who are within a radius of 500 metres from the point of violation.

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