Recent downtown funicular wins award (Edmonton)

Alberta, Canada – The 100 Street Funicular opened to the public on December 7, 2017, with the help of the River Valley Alliance, provincial and federal governments. Since opening, the funicular has increased access to the River Valley for Edmontonians and visitors and has created a landmark and connection between downtown and the River Valley. While the funicular is the prominent feature of the site, the Mechanized River Valley Access project also included the development of stairs, viewpoints, pedestrian bridge, artwork and an elevator.

100 Street Funicular, River Valley features, with Canadian Pacific Railway hotel in background

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The Mechanized River Valley Access project has received a National Urban Design Award of Excellence for Civic Design. The one-of-a-kind urban infrastructure project connects Edmonton’s downtown and the steep bank of the North Saskatchewan River valley in an engaging journey that includes a funicular and urban stair, boardwalk promenade, pedestrian bridge, panoramic lookout, and glass elevator.

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