Network Rail and The Central Railway Systems Alliance (CRSA) have successfully finished trialling brand new digital headsets which will help to log data, paving the way for future frontline maintenance teams. The test was carried out at Network Rail’s Aston Depot, drawing existing innovative solutions together to help organise data collection and reporting of safety renewals from paper-based methods into one, easy-to-use and adaptable ‘connected worker’ solution.

The trial was crucial for future rail and track renewal processes, and was conducted with workflow automation provider, Intoware. It was designed to work over a 10-year programme, in the hopes of positively impacting track design, deployment, and renewals. The CRSA is working with Network Rail Research and Development (R&D) to accelerate rail infrastructure redevelopment throughout the London Northwest, London Northeast and East Midlands routes. Last year, information on Network Rail’s track renewals was not being fully logged and utilised across the company, so digitalising information and practices of frontline teams will deliver higher quality data, improvements in track and safety, whilst reducing costs.