In Motion Charging for buses: Knowledge Brief (UITP)

Battery electric trolleybuses with In Motion Charging (IMC) are highly effective technology with huge economic and environmental potential: with passenger capacity, an infinite range, uninterrupted 24/7 operation, the flexibility of off-wire service and energy-efficient emission-free travel. IMC is particularly suited for high-pace, high-volume operations, such as long vehicles operating at high frequency or at elevated commercial speeds on electric bus rapid transit (e-BRT) routes, in challenging environments requiring strong air conditioning or heating. When operating large fleets with short sections of lean and inexpensive infrastructure, IMC offers favourable Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), reliability and energy efficiency.

This Knowledge Brief gives an introduction to battery trolleybuses with In Motion Charging, ‘the reinvented trolleybus 2.0’, and provides a specific focus on the infrastructural needs and challenges.

IN MOTION CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE: INTERFACE TO THE TROLLEYBUS IMC is based on proven trolleybus systems that are largely standardised and operating in almost 300 cities
across the world. Global standardisation allows trolleybuses from any

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