HS2 testing landslip prevention fibre optic tech (RailTechnology)

Pioneering fibre optic technology, that can sense micro ground movements in embankments and cuttings, is currently being tested by HS2 at one of their sites.

Through a joint programme at HS2’s Chilterns tunnel south portal site, the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Smart Infrastructure & Construction (CSIC) and geosynthetics manufacturer HUESKER have combined technological proficiency to produce “Sensorgrid”, a standard ground-stabilizing mesh woven with fibre optic cables.  The technology would help prevent landslips and detect the formation of sink holes.

HS2 detection installation

Early intervention following the discovery of movement could provide huge savings in maintaining HS2 embankments and railway cuttings, on top of the broader railway and road networks. Following the increasing occurrence of extreme weather, the technology could minimise the effect of fluctuating ground conditions caused by the climate.

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