Friday Reads – 2 July 2021

The evolution of Piccadilly line trains from 1891 to 2025 (RailEngineer)

Sleeper trains gaining as Continent aims to cut carbon emissions (Bloomberg)

Istanbul’s massive metro & tram expansion forges ahead (MetroReport)

The cities trailblazing wilderness transit service (ReasonsCheerful)

The Induced Travel Calculator (RockyMountainInst)

Converting suburban roads into flexible urban space: video (Twitter)

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  1. It’s still amazing to me how much things cost. $11m to change a five lane death-trap looking american highway into a revenue generating tree+lined avenue cum public park.
    Perhaps that’s considered cheap but either way this experiment seems to be a winner. Roll it out across the surface of the planet quick!

  2. Obligatory (?) historical reading to parallel that article on Piccadilly stock over the years ….
    “Tube Trains Under London” – J Graeme Bruce, LT, 1968
    “Rails through the Clay” – Croome & Jackson, Capital Transport, 1993

  3. The video on conversion of a busy road into a public space presents an excellent solution to the problem of public realm failure. James Kunstler gave it a consistent overview in his 2004 TED talk “How bad architecture wrecked cities”

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