ELASTIC project stretches tram sensor tech (MetroReport)

Three trams and three tram stops in Firenze have been equipped with sensing, computation and communication capabilities as part of the Software Architecture for Extreme-ScaLe Big-Data AnalyticS in Fog CompuTIng ECosystems project to develop autonomous tram technology. The EU-funded €5·9m ELASTIC project is being coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, and includes IKERLAN (Spain), Instituto Superior da Engenharia do Porto (Portugal), Information Catalyst (UK), SixSq (Switzerland), Thales TRT (France), Thales Italia (Italy), Gestione ed Esercizio del Sistema Tranviario (Italy) and the city of Firenze (Italy).

The aim is to develop an advanced autonomous localisation system providing accurate real-time positioning information even when GPS coverage is not available, along with the ability to detect hazardous situations in real-time and alert the drivers of both trams and private vehicles.

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  1. I’ve seen some tenuous backroynms before, but this has to be one of the worst!

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