Cloud platform to drive infrastructure innovation (RailEngineer)

To drive better, faster and greener delivery of infrastructure, Costain has worked together with key partner SAP, as well as the Transport Infrastructure Efficiency Strategy Living Lab (TIES Living Lab) consortium of industry leading enterprises, such as Transport for London (TfL), East West Rail Company, HS2 and Network Rail, to create a demonstrator for a new cloud-based digital platform called the Intelligent Infrastructure Control Centre (IICC).

This will harmonise the vast quantities of intelligence that UK infrastructure projects generate and drive greater productivity and resilience through the capture of efficiency and innovation. This will contribute to a radical culture change in how the industry designs and delivers projects and will offer a completely different way of managing operations that will save money and time.

The IICC takes comprehensive operational data from an infrastructure project portfolio and then synthesises the information onto one platform. At a project level this data is essential to effectively manage operations. At an enterprise level it informs numerous processes including budgeting, talent acquisition and external reporting. For organisations with responsibility for national infrastructure across the UK, complete visibility of enterprise performance is a fundamental the IICC system can deliver.

One of the first initiatives to come out of the TIES Living Lab, a partnership between UK Government and leading infrastructure companies with funding from the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, delivered by UK Research and Innovation, the IICC can be used across all sectors and industries.

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