CANCELLED: 12th March LR meetup

Due to COVID-19 concerns, and in line with many institutions completely closing, we are cancelling this month’s LR Pub Night official meetup.

As recommended by the health authorities, remember to:

  • Wash hands frequently and thoroughly.
  • Social distancing – do not come too close to others.
  • Travel on public transport at non-peak hours if possible


  1. Due to COVID-19 concerns, and in line with many institutions completely closing, we are CANCELLING the 12 March 2020 LR Pub Night official meetup.

  2. Just to provide a bit more information. We made a decision very late on Wednesday based on events during the day. Up until then the intention was to ‘officially’ meet but quite understand if people didn’t want to come.

    What ultimately changed this was a realisation that we couldn’t guarantee that anyone would be there (in one case due to the need to work additional hours to prepare for potential future closures at work). It would then be unfortunate if one or two people turned up and were disappointed by the lack of attendance.

    Of course, if anyone still wants to go they are welcome to do so but don’t blame us if there is no-one there to talk to.

  3. There can still be a virtual discussion ‘on line’. So I would like to ask if anyone knows if there is any provision for such an eventuality in any of the franchise contracts? If not, we are presumably about to see effectively the re-nationalisation of all the TOCs as they will not be able to survive the down turn in passengers.

  4. I think we may be heading to the nationalisation of the whole economy if every business needs grants and government guaranteed loans.
    It has been suggested that the Bank of England could follow the example of Japan and start buying equities as part of QE. Then the goverment (supossedly at arms length) will own a large part of the FTSE 100.

  5. I’m assuming the LR team (WFH rather than in LR towers) are working on articles about the possible short, medium and long term implications of COVID19 upon the transport system! 😉

    Here is one to add to the list. Chiswick Business Park has banned people other than the ones they deem suitable from entering that location, necessitating re-routes to the 70 and 440 bus routes that have terminuses in the business park.

    As it is private land, it appears that Chiswick Business Park can do what they like, including forcing re-routes to public transport and deciding who can enter the area based upon their own criteria.

    Do they consider a presenter at QVC shopping channel (a tenant at the business park) more important than medical staff getting the bus to Central Middlesex hospital?

    Stay safe, everyone.

  6. @Reynolds953

    Indeed the LR team, now working in our virtual LR Tower in the cloud, is working on an article on the post-virus implications on transport. Plus some other topics, and speaking for myself, getting back to researching some historical topics again.

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