Friday Reads – 12 June 2020

Riding transit hasn’t caused Covid infection in Japan or France (CityLab)

Infographics on the economic benefits of walking & cycling (TfL)

Hidden London’s Down Street station Vlogcast (LondonTransportMuseum)

Walking Tube maps promote walking instead of driving (EireannachTharLear)

How The Architecture the Railways built TV series came about (RailMag)

A day in the life of an OS cartographer (GeoAwesomeness)

Golden Gate Bridge now emits Sci-Fi sounds in the wind (KQED)

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  1. I took a look at the calendar for the first time in awhile, gave my head a shake, and updated today’s Friday Reads. Now with the full list of entries! LBM

  2. The GG bridge is apparently quite obnoxious over a several mile radius now. Big fail on the part of designers/planners and so on.

    [GG is the Golden Gate Bridge. Please spell out seldom seen acronyms. LBM]

  3. Has anyone told our politicians about the low risk of C-19 on public transport, I wonder?

  4. Walking tube maps? We had them, sort of, in London in 2012. The street furniture with street plans survive but are the giveaway maps consigned to the cabinets of memorabilia collectors now?

  5. 2d Tube:
    “Waterloo”, “King’s Cross”, Liverpool St” & “Stratford” – along with a complete set of the very last printing of the LT/TfL Quarter-of-London Bus maps.
    All much too useful to actually let the travelling public have, of course.

  6. A happy accident that the “routes were forged” misuse came in the cartography article. And re. Tim Dunn (think that’s his name) on the Architecture of Rail, he may be a bit over-enthusiastic in delivery sometimes, but his sheer joy at pulling a real lever in Severn Bridge Junction box would bring a tear to a glass eye.

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