Monday’s Friday Reads – 29 June 2020

The 1967 GLC scheme for London monorail people movers (C20Society)

And the corresponding unbuilt monorails map (NotQuiteTangible)

Pandemic lack of public restrooms reduces mobility, esp for women (StreetsBlog)

Include poor, minority cyclists in post-pandemic transport planning (TheConversation)

This summer’s vacation destination is our streets (PopUpCity)

The abandoned subway tunnel speakeasy (AtlasObscura)

Taxing airlines could raise €37bn yearly & slow pollution growth (TransportEnv)

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  1. The dreaded “M” word – run away!
    Proposals for cyclists & the poor are all very well – what abut the disabled or those with large loads, which are just-about moveable? The local “cycling” scheme to me has severely disadvantaged the latter.

  2. I confess part of me would love to have seen how the proposed monorail system would have worked in practice. One of the questions For me revolves around how large groups of passengers would board the trains as well as those disembarking. Also though I think the visual effect would have been dire. The pylons holding up the track as well as the horizontal beams holding the track would have created a very oppressive atmosphere. Just as well it was not proceeded with. Elevated railways seldom look good in practice and I love seeing photos of the Monorail in Wuppertal!

  3. RichardB
    BUT, but … the Wuppertal Schwebebahn is, very largely, suspended over the Wupper itself, not over roads & is therefore not shadowing large street areas. The other objection to monorails is the same as that against the Chicago “El” – noise, lots of it.
    As you say, the access is always going to be problematic …
    As shown from about 1.58 onwards in this clip from a classic movie of a classic book. ( Book? )
    I can’t see this woking in an “Accessible” environment, never mind the dwell times!

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