With Metro on the cusp of adopting a service plan for the new Regional Connector subway in Downtown Los Angeles, several members of the agency’s Board of Directors have renewed a push to address sluggish street-running sections of the three light rail lines which will feed into the nearly two-mile tunnel.

A motion adopted earlier today by the Board’s Operations Committee directs Metro staff to begin to identify potential fixes to segments of the A (Blue), E (Expo), and L (Gold) Lines that frequently cause delays in service. Additionally, the motion – which was introduced by Directors Robert Garcia, Eric Garcetti, Hilda Solis, Janice Hahn, Mark Ridley Thomas, and Mike Bonin – calls for Metro to expand its joint effort with LADOT to improve signal prioritization for the E Line to also include street-running segments of the A line, with the goal of averaging at least a 90 percent intersection clearance rate.