HS2’s additional capacity will expand UK rail freight (GlobalRail)

The new high-speed line will enable more freight to travel by rail, reducing carbon emissions from transport as each freight train removes up to 76 lorries from the roads. HS2 Ltd has released a new video highlighting how the additional capacity HS2 will create on Britain’s existing rail network will benefit UK ports and distribution centres that use rail freight for the movement of goods.

Filmed at the Port of Tilbury in Essex, the video [in the link below] shows how additional network capacity for rail freight is essential for Britain’s low carbon future, as transporting goods by rail creates 76 per cent less carbon dioxide emissions than equivalent road journey.

HS2’s brand new track and fast inter-city passenger services frees space on the existing railway network for more freight by rail, taking lorries off the roads and reducing carbon emissions. By putting direct inter-city services on dedicated high-speed lines, HS2 will create more space on the existing railway for Britain’s growing rail freight sector.

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