Friday Reads – 20 November 2020

Roundel replaced by PlayStation buttons at Oxford Circus (TheGamer)

Low traffic schemes (LTNs) don’t only benefit better-off: new study (Guardian)

Paris massively invests in Grand Paris Express Metro lines (UrbanTransportMag)

Now this is how to design a high speed rail station (Dezeen)

Lacking train drivers, Swiss pilots could soon be running SBB trains (EN24)

Reviving rail in the land of the long white cloud (RailJournal)

The pervasiveness of noise pollution (StreetsBlog)

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  1. “Grand Paris Express” – yes.
    Meanwhile, Crossrail 1 is stalled & CR2, at the very least, “on ice”.
    A clear comparison between how to run a great city & how not to.

    Koge Nord appears to have … no shelter on the platforms.
    A very good idea for Denmark in February, or maybe not?

  2. The 24 Olympics will go ahead in some modified form so I’m expecting much discussion and comparative evlauation in the lead up between Xrail and GPE.

  3. As I might have said before, the combination of Crossrail 1, Thameslink, and the Overground “outer circle” will give London the equivalent of the S-Bahn network Berlin had… immediately before WWII.

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