Friday Reads – 13 November 2020

Margaret Calvert: Woman at Work Exhibition of her wayfinding designs (IanVisits)

History of Legible London (HydeParkNow)

Interesting way to maintain safe social distancing on a train (AnonWidower)

Childseats on bike increase car bypass distances – no child required (Forbes)

Vision Zero movement can learn plenty from car ads (StreetsBlog)

Nike ‘supports equity’ but spent $1m to defeat transit tax vote (WWeek)

Uber & Lyft beat California’s gig worker law, & won’t stop there (CityMonitor)

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  1. I’m not so sure that the little ticket markers on the train will work (“Interesting way to maintain safe social distancing on a train”). I was on a National Express coach just after they restarted and there were plenty of people just sat right on top of “this seat out of use” markers that covered the entire seat.

    In fast, the only place I’ve ever seen these work was on a ferry to Jersey, presumably because keeping people in their right seats was already part of their operational plan!

  2. Those markers are more inventive than the companies that just mark some seats out of use, forcing people who are travelling together to space out unnecessarily. Just a pity Hull Trains aren’t running at the moment!

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