Vivarail has decided to move its manufacturing base to Southam after ongoing success within the company has necessitated expansion.
Vivarail’s mission to develop emission-free trains and its increasing orderbook have driven it to move its manufacturing base. The train manufacturer started out at the Quinton Rail Technology Centre in Long Marston – also the site of the Rail Live! exhibition – five years ago.
Vivarail began operations towards its prototype DEMU at Long Marston, designing, building and testing its prototype (230001) using the centre’s 3km test track. This process was central to the DEMU’s approval.

Vivarail train at Rail Live 2019© RAILWAY-NEWS
Later Vivarail built the UK’s first modern battery train (BEMU), launching unit 230002 in Scotland in 2018. This was a huge milestone for the company, demonstrating that emission-free, self-supporting battery trains are capable of operating in the UK.