Monday’s Friday Reads – 9 December 2019

Uber US has 6,000 sexual assaults in just two years (E&T)

Cars, parking & motorways podcast (BBCRadio3)

The cathedral stations of Paris RER E (BeautyOfTransport)

DC Metro testing colour coded handrails (GGreaterWash)

Disabled person’s fight with a sidewalk robot (CityLab)

Fastest-growing source of global emissions: transport (WorldResourcesInst)

Zaha Hadid design Rail Baltica high-speed rail terminal in Tallinn (Dezeen)

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  1. The main reason emissions in transport are increasing is because heavy SUV’s have become much more popular in the UK and in the rest of the world,there use to be less than a dozen off roaders Land Rover,Range Rover,Jeep,Suzuki,Toyota and Subaru,now there are dozens of SUV’s models on sale.

  2. Update,I have just listened to the latest episode of the wired podcast The big problem with your SUV,talk about SUVs and pollution starts at 13 mins.There is also an excellent article on the wired website,SUVs are way worse for the planet than anyone previously thought,which I highly recommend reading.

  3. Those “Paris Cathedrals” just look like ininspired third rate versions of Jubilee Extension stations.

  4. @ Kit Green

    They really aren’t! The photos don’t do them justice, they are enormous. Both stations have four platforms, there is a single platform either side of the double platform in the middle. The platforms are double the length of the Jubilee line platforms – in fact everything is on a bigger scale than the JLE.

  5. Some academic analysis of the statistics of how SUVs are increasing car CO2 outputs faster than electric cars are reducing them from Imperial College UK Energy Research Centre.
    Press Release:
    Set of briefing notes on decarbonisation policy progress including one on cars:

    This reflects the difficult reality of trying to get people out of liquid fuelled cars. The popularity of SUVs shows the value many people place on the functionality of their cars, that would be curtailed in the entirely electric version. In Norway, which has the highest sales of electric vehicles, driven by high subsidies, most electric cars are in households that also own a liquid fuelled car.

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