Monday’s Friday Reads – 7 October 2019

Crossrail rules out dust link to mystery deaths (ConstructionEnquirer)

Data visualisations of Britain’s most trodden paths (OrdnanceSurvey)

Uber stops own investigators from reporting crimes to police (Verge)

Efficient vertical heavy transport in cities (99%Invisible)

New York’s LowLine underground park is progressing (Guardian)

NYC’s fare evasion information gap (TransitCenter)

The people of Moscow’s commuter trains (CalvertJ)

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  1. Why not just call it Monday Reads now that it’s more or less a permanent fixture?

  2. The “Most trodden paths” maps are fascinating, especially the London one – there’s an waful lot going past my local pub!

    The Crossrail piece suggests that some very sophisticate statistical analysis is going to be needed to see if there is a real “outbreak” of something, or simply Poisson statistics showing up a blip.

    I do hope Uber are not attempting the same tactics in London – would that, of itself, be illegal behaviour … ( IANAL & all that ) ?

  3. I would prefer to keep it as “Monday’s Friday Reads”. The brand started for a reason and why not carry on. As an oddity it also reflects the quirkiness of some of the articles. Perhaps quirky articles could come on a Monday and serious matters on a Friday?

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