Friday Reads – 26 April 2019

It’s the Beadles’ (& Burlington Arcade’s) 200th anniversary (HydeParkNow)

Dublin public transport use up, car use down (IntelligentTransport)

Toronto’s transit de-devolution battle (Spacing)

Railways and literature (NYReviewOfBooks)

Crowdfunding reduces bikelash (CityLab)

Evolution of Melbourne’s laneway culture and livability (UrbanAus)

Global shipping traffic density map (MoverDB)

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  1. Dublin: Build it & they will come …
    A sigh of regret for the Tram schemes killed off by BoJo ( again )

    Words of wisdom from the article on Toronto: It’s common to imagine an innovative hack to solve our transit woes, like claims that autonomous vehicles, hyperloops, and waterfront monorails will replace high-priority mass transit. Simple geometry shows they cannot. Our transit challenges are simply about money: to build, maintain, and operate.
    Anyone listening in government or the civil service, I wonder?

  2. All very well for Dublin – pity the rest of the country is a public transport desert. Cork, for example has recently reduced the frequency of bus services, and notably failed to put in a tram or other fixed link when they expanded the airport.

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