4 transport circular economy examples (Movin’On)

The traditional economy has long been a linear system of take, make, dispose. The circular economy supports production cycles that minimize waste using metrics to reduce materials and increase recycling, reuse and repair once objects are produced. The concept is inspired by the biosphere itself – a regenerative system that minimizes resource input and energy leakage by slowing, closing and shrinking material and energy loops.

Circular economy initiatives may be applied to transportation practices by moving from a product to a service model to maximize efficiency and minimize waste. Here are 4 examples of applications of circular economy principles in transportation, as well as some advice on how to apply those principles:

Rolls-Royce predictive maintenance program

The Rolls-Royce TotalCare program removes the burden of jet engine maintenance from the customer, taking on the management of the engine throughout its life cycle, informed by big data collected on a large number of engines in the industry. TotalCare’s rate is based on the number of flight hours, so Rolls-Royce is only paid for reliable engines. Since the implementation of the program:

  • the frequency of motor repairs has decreased by 25%.
  • up to 95% of the parts of a used engine are recovered or recycled
  • Rolls-Royce engines have a longer service life than before.

10 years to change the air at the airport

In 2010, London Gatwick Airport set 10 sustainability goals for the next 10 years in the areas of community, economy, carbon, air quality, noise, transport, energy, waste, water and biodiversity…

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