Which city has the world’s most modern trains? (Railway-Technology)

Between Brussels’ autonomous fleets, New York’s passenger-centric design and London’s top-notch signalling, which countries are leading by example and delivering some of the world’s most modern, efficient and reliable metro systems?

Transport systems around the world are in a race against time to modernise their services and serve an increasing number of passengers with much higher expectations from their daily journeys. This pressing need to revolutionise urban transport was highlighted by project management and consulting firm Arup in their Future of Rail 2050 report, in which the company writes: “in a future where 75% of people live in cities, the world’s population stands at 9.5 billion, how will infrastructure and rail systems cope with the rising demand for passenger and freight capacity?”

Right now, urban metro networks are faced with the most pressing challenges… Meanwhile, individual transport providers in big cities around the world are investing in next-generation rolling stock, with futuristic, passenger-friendly and interconnected fleets ready to face the next decades of travel. These down-to-earth approaches currently combine the latest proven technologies available with top-notch design, bringing us closer to the yet elusive concept of smart rail network.

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One comment

  1. Passenger-centric design in New York? That doesn’t sound like the world I live in..

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