Transport Planning Camp in Leeds 9 Nov 2018

Transport Planning Camp is an unconference that will bring together transport planners, engineers, technologists, social activists, academics and others interested in the intersection of transport, technology, and our lives. We are driven by a desire to use our combined skills to make transport and our lives better.

The theme is the Transport Needs of Future Generations, and what this means for how we plan and deliver transport. What will this mean for social exclusion or the environment? How will new mobility services change these needs, and over what timescale? Will disruptive technologies truly be disruptive? How do we separate transport needs and desires? Do we have the right tools, and if not what tools do we need?

9:30am – 5:00pm
Open Data Institute
Duke Street, Leeds

More info and registration

Followed by Transport Planning: How hard can it be?, a post-camp debate and drinks, with a panel giving 5 minute perspectives on the question “Transport Planning: How hard can it be?

Doing transport is easy, right? How hard can laying a road be? Why is building a new railway line so hard? We know cars in city centres are bad, so we should just ban vehicles, right?

Like most things in life, if only it was that simple. Transport is complex, and attempts to marry all sorts of priorities that often compete with one another, in the best way that it can with the tools at its disposal. Much like being the England manager, its an impossible job.

5:30pm – 7:30pm
Open Data Institute

More info and registration

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