Lecture : Mass transit in age of new mobility (UCL Bartlett School)

TfL’s Chief Technology Officer Shashi Verma is the next speaker in The Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management’s 2017-18 keynote lecture series.

Rapidly increasing urbanisation and digitisation of society means that the need for smart, integrated transport is greater than ever. Efficient and sustainable transport infrastructure, seamlessly linked to modern payment and communications systems, are essential to continued economic and social growth and prosperity.

How can mass transport infrastructure both benefit from emerging technologies and combine them with effective transport policies? Agglomeration effects have brought about productivity advantages by clustering complementary economic activities, enabled and facilitated by effective transportation networks. How can we rethink the role of mass transit for economies of agglomeration in the age of smart systems and big data?

As CTO for Transport for London (TfL), Shashi Verma has led the development of contactless ticketing across TfL’s services, successfully implementing the world’s largest smartcard-based ticketing system in 2012.

13 February 2018, 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Free
The Bartlett: University College London (UCL) Faculty of the Built Environment
The lecture will be followed by a networking reception from 19.30.


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