Latest Innovations in Streetcars (MassTransit)

Light rail system openings represent significant growth in the rail market. Adapting to city infrastructure, incorporating newer technologies and tackling the cost associated with running a streetcar system are factors that come together to make a streetcar system a more attractive choice for an agency to add into its services.

Improved Operation

Alstom Tram Product Director, LRV Platform, Eric Caplot said Alstom launched the development of Citadis X05 three years ago. This latest member to the Citadis family features improved passenger comfort, optimized operation, increased modularity, lower operating costs and catenary-free options.

The Citadis X05 has up to an 18 percent reduction of preventative maintenance costs, based on Citadis REX and technical innovation. The easier sub-system integration and maintenance reduces the lifecycle costs, and with the ONIX 850 traction drive with closed self-ventilated permanent magnet motors and optimized heating, ventilation, and air conditioning function, there’s a 25 percent reduction in energy consumption.

In Atlanta, Siemens recently opened its Innovation Center and worked on developing the Atlanta Streetcar. The project worked to create a “smarter” streetcar. When approaching the project, Siemens looked at a connection of maintenance, vehicle monitoring and connectivity.

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