GDPR update & Friday Reads – 25 May 2018

Welcome to Reconnections’ Friday Reads! But first, a public service anouncement:

If you subscribe to our email alerts (sent when major new articles come out) then don’t forget to update your preferences in our preference centre.

Otherwise you will stop receiving them from next week onward. You can find the link to do so in the email you will have received yesterday. Just in case, we added some other potential ‘future’ updates that you can opt in to as well (who says GDPR has to be dull?).

Of course if you’ve not subscribed and wish to do so, then you can find the sign up form here.

And now this week’s list:

Check out our most popular articles:

And some of our other sections:

If you have something you feel we should read or include in a future list, please email [email protected].


  1. Is it just me who can’t find the preference centre? I’ve already irretrievably deleted any email sent yesterday so can’t use that link.

  2. I didn’t get any email from you yesterday, not even in my junk mail folder.

  3. Congrats to LR for being the only website to make the GDPR process amusing!

  4. So I stole this from another site….

    Manager A – we’re really struggling with this GDPR thing – do you know anyone who is really good at it?
    Manager B. We’re doing really well – we had a great consultant in and he sorted it all out
    Manager A. Wow! Brilliant – can you let me have their email address?
    Manager B. Er – sorry – can’t do that. GDPR you know.

  5. GDPR
    There is a Mathematician/Physicist called Randell Monroe, who comments on many things in a cartoon format.
    His take on GDPR is well worth a look – & probably passing on to others.

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