Friday Reads – 3 August 2018

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  1. Quite a few other tube stations used to have those tiles, as well.
    Aldgate East certainly did …..
    ( Mile End? Kings Cross St Pancras? )

  2. Four stations on the network still have them – Aldgate East, Bethnal Green, Swiss Cottage, and St. John’s Wood. St. Paul’s had them at one point but they have long been removed. There’s posters about them at both Aldgate East and St. John’s Wood stations.

  3. Your second report that looks into SWR into more detail, when is that being published?

  4. The issue of how much parking space should be provided reached a peak in Mexico City until recently, when more than 50% of the floor area in any new development had to be parking spaces! Everywhere that has based its planning standards on providing minimum standards for parking has seen these standards gradually increase as ‘the problem’ hasn’t been solved. Mexico City is the extreme In contrast London abandoned minimum standards and replaced them with maximum standards in 1976 The new draft London Plan has maximum standards of zero for both residential and commercial developments in central London and the major town centres. Seems to have worked.

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