Friday Reads – 17 August 2018

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  1. The Thames Tideway programme currently on BBC Iplayer is fascinating. In a similar vein to the Crossrail one that was produced.

  2. Londonist’s article is under informed and inaccurate. Dont even know why it’s being touted as a Friday read!

  3. @ROG

    My concern is more the age of the article – last edited November 2017.

    And whilst I don’t regard the Friday Reads as a news source (ianvisits is better for that) it’s more of a magazine I do think the articles should still be pretty fresh

    That said I generally find something interesting to read

  4. Rog
    I no longer read “Londonist” as they seem to have succumbed to both the advertisers & face-grabbing stuff that looks flashy on a smartphone or tablet.
    There is no dounbt that the actual factual content has dropped

  5. Greg.

    Yes I agree. Its all click bait in pursuit of ££££!

    I am currently writing my umpteenth post on the Grand Surrey Canal, its factual, with historic photos. Unfortunately publication is running late due to my computer having given up working and having to find another I could afford….

    Nevertheless I hope people shall like it.

  6. @Le Ver, Graham Feakins: I thought Surrey Water was the original start of the canal?

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